Wireless Fundamentals
- Amplitude is the name of the distance between the higher crest of a wave and the lower crest.
- 1 kHz is the frequency of a signal that occurs 1,000 times per second.
- Scattering term describes the spreading of a signal in multiple directions by small particles.
- SNR term describes the amount by which a signal is better than the noise level.
- For a signal to be good, the RSSI level must be as high as the SNR level.
- WMAN is type of wireless network which covers an area the size of a city.
- WLAN is type of wireless network which extends LANs.
- Repeater device can be used to extend the range of an AP.
- Wireless coverage area of an AP is a BSA.
- System in which a wired network links two APs is an ESS.
- EIRP does not relate only to omnidirectional antennae.
- 200 mW is equivalent to 23 dBm.
- Effective Isotropic Radiated Power is EIRP.
- There is no direct conversion between dBm and dBi.
- Side view of the antenna radiation pattern describes an elevation chart.
- The magnetic field oriented in comparison to the electric field is 90 degrees to the left.
- Multiple antennas is used to try to solve multi-path issues.
- RP-TNC connector is used on Cisco APs.
- The radiated signal is weaker is one disadvantage of using a splitter.
- Narrows the vertical beam is the effect of increasing the gain of an omnidirectional antenna.
- 5.5 Mb/s rate is a DSSS speed.
- Barker 11 transform each bit of the data into an 11-bit chip that is to be sent.
- DSSS use sending a wide signal spread of 22 MHz method to combat interference.
- OFDM uses small carriers instead of a large one of DSSS.
- An AP sends a special beacon with duration set to 32768 start DCF mode.
- CSMA/CA layer 2 technique is used in wireless networks.
- A client must wait duration of client NAV before being able to send a frame in the normal operation of a cell.
- An 802.11 header contains a maximum of four MAC addresses.
- RA is address of the station to receive the frame.
- A wireless ACK sent after each data frame.
- The control field gives information about frame type.
- The SSID usually found in beacon and authentication requests frames.
- 802.15.1 IEEE protocol relates to Bluetooth.
- Network coordinator device in a ZigBee network sends beacons.
- 5 miles is the range of 802.16e.
- Create regulations is the role of the FCC.
- 20 dBm is the maximum EIRP in the 2.4-GHz band, per ETSI rules.
- 19 non-overlapping 802.11a channels are available in Europe.
- 11 Mb/s rate is an 802.11b speed.
- MIMO is new wireless modulation and technique that is used to gain longer range and higher speed.
- 4 non-overlapping 802.11b/g channels are available in Europe.