14. Study English - Series 3, Episode 8: Speaking Fluently

  • The shop is closed. That's the problem
    The problem is that the shop is closed.
  • Jane moved from Sydney because of the great job offer in Japan.
    The reason why Jane moved from Sydney was the great job offer in Japan.
  • It was the plumber who left the message.
    The person who left the message was the plumber.
  • White water rafting in the mountains was much more exciting.
    Much more exciting was white water rafting in the mountains.
  • We didn't sell the collection of CDs. That's the only thing.
    The only thing (that) we didn't sell was the collection of CDs.
  • Palm Beach is where you can buy the best chilli prawns.
    The place where you can buy the best chilli prawns is Palm Beach.
  • She doesn't want to study. That's the trouble.
    The trouble is she doesn't want to study.
  • The happiest day was when John completed his MBA.
    The day when John completed his MBA was the happiest.
  • They mixed up the dates. That's a fact.
    The fact is that they mixed up the dates.
  • The smoke from the fire was so intense that I couldn't breathe.
    So intense was the smoke from the fire that I couldn't breathe.
  • healthy appetite
  • crash diet
  • catch a stomach bug
  • health warning
  • stretching exercises
  • suffer a breakdown
  • splitting headache
  • develop an allergy
  • keeping fit
  • follow-up treatment
15. Study English - Series 3, Episode 9: Speaking Coherently

  • I got a wonderful opportunity to go overseas to Italy and study music there.
  • I'd really like to work both as a teacher and music director when I finish my studies.
  • Life gets really hectic sometimes, so I like to go off on my own and meditate.
  • I'm hoping to get a job as an interior designer, where I can also use my painting skills.
  • I'd like to describe a movie which made a strong impression on me.
  • People know they need to exercise yet they don't do anything about it.
  • We are trying to televise some international films but haven't had much success.
  • I enjoyed having to stay in the mountains because it brought back beautiful memories of my country.
  • The choice was paying the fine or losing my licence.
  • She was a famous lady, whom I had the privilege of meeting after the concert.
  • Describe someone you admire very much?
    The person who (relative pronoun) I really admire is a professor from my university days. Her name is Vera Santiago. She (referent) is a very talented lady. Vera is about fifty and married with three children but (coordinating conjunction - contrasting ideas) the reason I admire her is that she raised a family and, at the same time, taught in primary and secondary schools and then went on to teach at university. I met her when (subordinating word referring to time) I started uni. I was nineteen. Vera had a passion for literature and she was able to pass this (referent - passion for literature) on to her students. She taught us how to analyse a text and love literature. That (referent - analyse a text and love literature) is something which is hard to do because when you're at school you don't really want to study literature. You're more interested in playing with your friends, but she was able to capture our imagination and (coordinating conjunction - to express equal ideas) keep us interested in all these stories. And she also enriched our lives with music and poetry. We listened and discussed. I think it was important to have her as a teacher because (subordinating conjunction - to express a reason) she made us see the world in different ways. We felt sometimes that literature and life are not that different, in fact, (transition signal used to emphasise a point which is the opposite of what was said earlier) there are many similarities. So (linking word to express a result) from that point on we interpreted things differently.
16. Study English - Series 3, Episode 10: Vocabulary for Speaking

  • Having to do the night shift is part and parcel of being a nurse.
  • Your diligence will pay off in the long run when you succeed.
  • Let's do the shopping tomorrow! No, on second thoughts let's get it out of the way now.
  • As a rule of thumb students are allowed a 10 minute break every hour.
  • Be prepared to face the music when they find out you damaged the lock.
  • Let's just drop the subject before we start arguing.
  • John has progressed in leaps and bounds since his last report.
  • Because the computer crashed we lost the whole assignment and had to start from scratch.
  • She was on cloud nine when the results came in yesterday.
  • I've done the research so this assignment will be a piece of cake.

    Types of instrument & Musical instrument
  • strings: violin, cello, guitar, harp, sitar, mandolin, banjo, balalaika, zither
  • wind: saxophone, flute, clarinet, oboe, horn, trumpet, didgeridoo, piccolo, trombone
  • keyboard: piano, accordion, concertina, harpsichord, organ, synthesiser
  • percussion: bass drum, bells, castanets, xylophone, triangle, maracas, steel drum, cymbal, bongos
17. Study English - Series 3, Episode 11: Grammatical Range in the Speaking Test

  • Who is the person responsible for registering candidates for the test?
  • The children were excited about the excursion to the mountains.
  • When asked about the accident he said he had no knowledge of it.
  • The trainees were inspired by his performance.
  • The Senator is responsible to the Parliament.
  • John is interested in pursuing a career in journalism.
  • They couldn't agree on the gift.
  • It is best to complain to the officer in charge.
  • There is a significant difference between the products of the two companies.
  • I always was bad at maths.
  • Residents will need to safeguard themselves against dangers in the home.
  • The question asks for a solution to the problem.
  • In this part of the business course they'll learn about marketing strategies.
  • Be sure to congratulate Mary on her promotion.
  • Jack doesn't seem capable of doing the work properly.
  • The neighbours were annoyed by the barking dog.
  • There was an unexpected rise in the unemployment rates.
  • Horror films are always popular with the younger crowd.
  • The parents were proud of their daughter's achievements.
  • The award was presented by the principal to the youngest person in year 12.
18. Study English - Series 3, Episode 12: Intonation


19. Study English - Series 3, Episode 13: Reading Skills and Question Types Obesity
On Being Overweight and obeseThere

can be no doubt that our children are gaining weight at an alarming

rate. In a study conducted by the National Institute of Childhood Health

in the 1990s, one quarter of Australian children was found to be in the

overweight or obese weight ranges. Over a decade later, that number has

nearly doubled. For children in the overweight category, it has nearly

doubled to 43.7% and more than tripled from 1.3 to 3.3% for obese

children. Researchers are estimating that by the year 2020 the

percentages will reach epidemic proportions - 55% overweight and 10%

obese - if the necessary health and lifestyle adjustments are not made.

The issue is that parents are just not heeding the advice of experts,

and this is a major concern for health authorities.Findings yield concerns about childhood obesity
It is a well-known fact that children who are physically inactive are at greater risk of becoming obese. With the increase in sedentary activities such as playing computer games or watching television, children are not expending enough energy, therefore leaving excess energy to be stored as body fat. But technological activities are not the only threat. The kinds of food choice aggressively marketed towards working families have lead to a higher consumption of processed and take-away foods which are often high in calories, especially fat and sugar, but low in nutrition. Convenience, ease of preparation and the preferences of demanding children tend to outweigh the benefits of more healthy food choices including fresh fruits and vegetables, for time-strapped parents who are struggling to cope with the demands of work and their responsibilities to the family.Causes and effects of gaining excess weight
The challenges of modern life though cannot justify the serious consequences for children's health and well-being in both the long and short terms. Research has shown there is a strong link between childhood obesity and obesity in adulthood that results in debilitating or life-threatening conditions. These include cardiovascular disease and respiratory illnesses such as asthma or even type-2 diabetes. The findings from a recent study published in the Journal of International Studies on Childhood Obesity show that the chances of premature death in adulthood are greatly increased because of obesity during childhood.Risks associated with obesity
The short-term effects of obesity on children can be equally devastating. These effects are usually the first consequences to be experienced and fall under the category of adverse emotional and social problems. It has been well-documented by researchers and confirmed by parents and teachers alike that obese children have low self-esteem and poor body image. As a result they easily suffer at the hands of their peers who often bully, harass or tease them. Retreating into themselves, they become socially isolated and depressed. If left untreated, the prospects for these children become grim.Initial short-term consequences
There is, fortunately, widespread agreement throughout the medical community on the treatment for obesity in children. Though prevention is always better than cure, the Childhood Health Association has developed an effective program, which combines two treatments: the development of healthy eating patterns and the maintenance of an active lifestyle. Treatment begins in the home. Children are encouraged to eat a variety of foods from the main food groups including fruit and vegetables, dairy, protein, carbohydrates and fats, but only appropriate amounts from each of the groups. For example, consumption of foods high in saturated fats and sugar, which are energy dense and usually found in children's snacks, has to be carefully monitored and restricted. Parents are advised to help change their children's behaviour and choose more nutritional foods, especially for snacks.Developing healthy eating habits
The second part of the treatment is becoming active and enjoying physical activity, which needs to occur in tandem with developing good eating habits. It is important that exercise be fun for a child if the program is to succeed. Treatment usually begins with low intensity exercise walking to and from school, and walking or playing with the dog after school. Building up to a moderate level of exercise the child should be encouraged to play sport with their friends and family. Where the family is active together, the chances of success are better. The goal is for the child to be physically active for a minimum of 60 minutes a day and restrict sedentary home activities to a maximum of two hours a day. This program offers ongoing support of health professionals for both parents and children, which has been shown to increase the chances of success.Introduction to a regime of physical activity20. Study English - Series 3, Episode 14: General Training Reading

  • Daily Courier newspaper are the jobs advertised.
  • On page 10 can find a job in the travel industry.
  • Thur 7pm is the deadline for placing an ad for the Saturday and Sunday edition.
  • 1 800 061 551 number can ring to place an ad without being charged for the call.
  • On page 14 can find a job for a computer analyst.
  • Credit cards is the method of payment for placing an ad.


OFFICE MANAGERCity of GreenfieldVibrant, modern and

energetic, Greenfield with a population of 87,000, is a city of choice

and opportunity. The city is experiencing significant growth and

expansion, and the Council is leading the way in managing and delivering

high quality services to its local community.An exciting career

opportunity exists for an enthusiastic individual with good

communication skills, and a proven track record in office

administration.Position Description
  • Title: Office Manager
  • Salary (Administrative Officer Level 13): $65,500 - $73,800 per annum (including superannuation contribution)
  • Employment Status: Permanent Full Time
  • Position No.: CGC0914
  • running and managing the office
  • developing and implementing new administrative systems
  • managing administrative staff
  • delegating work to staff and managing office workload
  • writing reports for senior management, including reports on service and staff performance
  • promoting staff development and training
  • assisting senior management in the preparation of presentations and newsletters
Key Selection Criteria
  • demonstrated high level organisational skills
  • demonstrated ability to manage performance and motivate people
  • well developed interpersonal and communication skills
  • ability to identify and provide solutions to a range of administrative issues
  • friendly, proactive and flexible approach in carrying out duties
  • tertiary level qualifications in business, office management or related field
  • at least five years experience working in a similar environment
  • knowledge

    of and experience with the following computer software: Microsoft

    Office (Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point), database programs, e-mail,

    web browser
Enquiries: John Smith on 9876 5432Closing Date: 5pm Friday, 1 JulyFor further information and online applications visit MUST address all the selection criteria.Applications by mail:pO Box 27Greenfield NSW 2999

  • According to information in the job description, the employer is looking for an eager and career-focused employee.
  • The successful candidate would be in charge and control of the office.
  • The applicant must have completed university studies with a business focus.
  • The salary includes employer contributions to a pension plan.
  • The Office Manager would be responsible for managing filling systems is not given.
  • The candidate would be selected on his/her ability to troubleshoot.
  • The employer is looking to fill a office manager position.
  • To be successful in the role, the candidate must have excellent organisational, communication, and people skills.
  • The applicant must show evidence of having worked no less than five years in an office setting.
  • Those applying for the job must respond fully to the selection criteria.
21. Study English - Series 3, Episode 15: Listening for Signpost Words

  • The report had too many errors. His manager was, to put it mildly, annoyed. - reformulating ideas
  • The doctor can see you tomorrow. Meanwhile, take some aspirin and rest in bed. - timing
  • In a nut shell, the construction of the day care centre is ready to go. - summarising
  • As I was saying, there just isn't enough support for the office restructure. - resuming
  • There are high levels of pollution in the city. The government, you know, is going to restrict the number of cars entering city centres. - gaining time
  • As a matter of fact, there are no restrictions on the goods. - intensifying
  • The shopping complex eventually opened for business two years after the fire. - timing
  • Bungy jumping was quite an experience, or rather a terrifying experience. - reformulating ideas
  • In short, I'm glad I went to my high school reunion. - summarising
  • Let me see, autumn is probably the best time of year because the weather is very pleasant. - gaining time
  • We were hoping the weather would improve so we could go on our picnic.
  • There are some good movies that are worth seeing. Alternatively, you could take in some of the night life.
  • Despite being good at maths, Hilary couldn't get a teaching position.
  • It's really convenient to take the overnight train. As a matter of fact, that's what we did.
  • There are many tasty dishes, in particular the roast duck with steamed vegetables.
  • The electrical storm caused a black out. In the meantime, we lit a candle and used a battery-operated radio.
  • They left the party early on account of the impending storm.
  • I'm glad I'm studying accounting because I like working with numbers.
  • I really did well in the sciences and languages but failed history and geography.
  • It's best to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables because your risk of heart disease can decrease.
22. Study English - Series 3, Episode 16: Listening for Numbers

  • 98๐ F
    ninety eight degrees Fahrenheit
  • 2.2 ft wide by 7.65 ft deep x 1.5 ft high
    two point two feet wide by seven point six five feet deep by one point five feet high
  • 16ml
    sixteen millilitres
  • 12 in x 3 in
    twelve inches by three inches
  • 60 t
    sixty tonnes/tons
  • 1.2 m long x 10mm thick
    one point two metres/meters long by ten millimetres/millimeters thick
  • 37๐ C
    thirty seven degrees Celsius/Centigrade
  • 25 yd2
    twenty five square yards
  • 8 cm in diameter and 10 cm deep
    eight centimetres/centimeters in diameter and ten centimetres/centimeters deep
  • 12 ha
    twelve hectares

  • diamond
  • sphere
  • star
  • semi-circle
  • triangle
  • crescent
  • heart
  • cube
  • rectangle
  • square

    Adjective > Noun > Verb
  • long > length > to lengthen
  • high > height > to heighten
  • deep > depth > to deepen
  • thick > thickness > to thicken
  • wide > width > to widen
  • cubic/cubed > cube > to cube
  • square > square > to square
  • circular > circle > to circle
  • weighty > weight > to weigh


23. Study English - Series 3, Episode 17: Talking about Festivals & Celebrations
  • One of the most important celebrations in the Chinese lunar calendar is the annual Spring Festival or Chinese New Year.
  • It is customary for the family to come together on New Year's Eve for a family reunion.
  • The family gathers around a circular table and enjoys a feast, a banquet with many dishes which must include fish.
  • Some of the significant traditions associated with this festival include preparing special food, making sure the house is clean and buying new clothes.
  • It is also important to decorate the house and paste red paper cut-outs, or paper cuts of auspicious characters on windows and doors.
  • Dumplings in the shape of the tael, a Chinese coin, are eaten. The dumplings symbolise wealth.
  • Many Chinese are superstitious. At midnight fire crackers are lit to scare away devils and evil spirits.
  • On the first day of the New Year, shops invite a lion dance troupe as a symbolic ritual to evict bad spirits from their premises.
  • The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the first full moon, and is known as the Lantern festival.
  • Buddhist Festivals are always joyful occasions. Typically on the festival day, lay people will go to the local temple or monastery and offer food to the monks and take the Five Precepts and listen to a Dharma talk, a talk on the teachings of the Buddha. In the afternoon, they distribute food to the poor to make merit, and in the evening perhaps join in a ceremony of circumambulation of the stupa three times as a sign of respect to the Buddha. The day will conclude with evening chanting of the Buddha's teachings and meditation.
  • Ramadan was the month in which the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and indulging in anything that is excessive, from dawn until sunset. Fasting is meant to teach the Muslim patience, modesty and spirituality.

    Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God and to offer more prayer than usual. During Ramadan, Muslims ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. Compared to the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan vary, moving forward about ten days each year as it is a moving holiday depending on the moon.
24. Study English - Series 3, Episode 18: Labelling & Describing an Object
Bio-robotic VisionAustralia scientists are studying how bees see the world in order to design a robotic helicopter which can fly by itself. They have observed that when a bee sets out from its hive in search of food, it can travel almost 10 kilometres. Having found food, it knows exactly where to go to return home to the hive. In fact, it makes a beeline back home. The question baffling scientists is how their tiny direction-finding organisms work. A bee's brain is the size of a sesame seed and has significantly fewer neurones than a human brain. But having learnt what clever tricks these intelligent insects use to see and navigate in the world, scientists have redesigned a radio-controlled crop-dusting helicopter so that it can find its own way around the world without a pilot or anyone at the controls.The brains of this helicopter consist of a sophisticated Pentium III on-board computer which can be programmed or directed as it flies. Its eyes are a tiny camera with special mirrors which assist it with navigation. The scientists have called this device a hat mirror because it is shaped like a Mexican hat. The device, the hat mirror, consists of two main mirrors: a panoramic mirror at the top and a circular mirror at the bottom. The latter does the stereo imaging between the two mirrors. There is another secondary, less important mirror. Its purpose is to reflect all light from the two mirrors to the top and then back down into a hold where a video camera sits inside the mirror.This hat mirror gives the helicopter all-round vision or a panoramic view just like for an insect which has 360๐ vision of the horizon at all times. The horizon, in actual fact, maps onto a small circle in an image created by the hat mirror and, keeping the horizon circle centred in the mirror assures stability. This is important because it gives attitude from the horizon - in other words, it registers which way is up. One other thing that vision gives is a sense of distance to objects. Being able to look at the image motion, it is possible to work out the distance to objects all around, thus making sure of not flying into them.


1: panoramic mirror
2: circular mirror for stereo imaging
3: hole
4: video camera is situated
  • Scientists have designed a helicopter with bio-robotic vision.
  • Bees can travel (almost) 10 kilometres from their hive looking for food.
  • The redesigned helicopter does not need a pilot to navigate it.
  • A programmed computer serves as the brains of the helicopter.
  • The hat mirror provides a panoramic view of the horizon for the helicopter.
  • The distance of objects is calculated by looking at the image motion.
  • make a beeline:
    head straight towards something as quickly as possible
  • to baffle (someone):
    to confuse
  • direction-finding organisms:
    a living thing whose function it is to show direction
  • to navigate in the world:
    to help to find your way around
  • radio-controlled:
    something that is managed by a radio
  • sophisticated computer:
    a clever and complex electronic machine
  • device:
    a piece of equipment used for a particular purpose
  • circular:
    something that is round
  • stereo imaging:
    showing an image in two dimensions
  • it gives attitude:
    records the direction of something
25. Listening
Unit 1: Overview Listening: Unit 1: Facts about the Listening Test
  • About 30 minutes of listening then 10 minutes transfer time.
  • Copy answers to an answer sheet should do during 'transfer time'.
  • Four sections does the test have.
  • A recording including instructions and ten-paper-based questions in each listening section.
  • The sections about the different topics.
  • The first section is an everyday conversation between two people.
  • The second section is a monologue on a general topic.
  • The third section is a discussion between up to four people on an educational topic.
  • The fourth section is a lecture on an academic topic.
  • The fourth is the most difficult section.
  • Once time can hear the recording.
  • Spelling is important in the answers.
  • Seven question types are there.
  • The answers marked one point per correct answer.
  • A half band score is possible in the Listening Test (for example 6.5).
27. Listening: Unit 1: What the Listening Test Assesses Listening: Unit 2: Listening Strategies Unit 2: Before Listening: Using Audio Instructions


Listening: Unit 2: Before Listening Predicting
  • Telephone conversation between a car salesperson and a customer.
    buying something
    complaining about poor service
    model, engine, car, colour, sell, cost, delivery, buy
  • Lecturer giving a talk about planets.
    explaining theories
    explaining discoveries
    orbit, moons, Sun, cosmology, Earth, mass, light year, solar system
  • Conversation between two students about an assignment.
    talking about study obligations
    talking about study achievements
    mark, grade, deadline, lecturer, course, subject, words, assignment
  • Talk about a city's tourist attractions.
    recommending activities
    talking about places
    art gallery, shopping, museum, river, on the right, on the left, next to, park
Listening: Unit 2: While Listening be ready to Hear
  • BCD International
    Number of employees: how many... staff, the total size is..., BCD employs..., how large... workforce, we employ..., size of workforce, company has grown to...
    BCD produces: what BCD does..., BCD makes..., the company is a manufacturer of..., BCD supplies..., what business..., BCD is a producer of..., we manufacture..., what BCD produces...
Listening: Unit 2: While Listening: Listening while reading Unit 2: After Listening Checking Answers Unit 2: After Listening Transferring Answers Unit 3: Conversation - Section 1 Unit 3: Multiple Choice Questions Unit 3: Form Completion Unit 3: Matching
  • In the town centre: centrally-located, in the middle of town
  • Large rooms: the rooms are very spacious, the rooms are enormous
  • Sea view: with an ocean view, overlooking the water
  • Award-winning restaurant: the chef has won a cooking prize, it was nominated the best restaurant
  • Gym: guests can work out in the fitness centre, guests can use the health club
  • Recently renovated: it was done up last year, it's just been re-decorated and extended
  • Tea and coffee facilities: there's kettle in each room, so you make a hot drink, the room's equipped for making a hot drink
Noun > Verb > Adjective > Adverb
analysis > analyse > analytical > analytically
approach > approach > approaching/approachable > N/A
context > contextualise > contextual > contextually
derivation/derivative > derive > derived > N/A
finance/financier > finance > financial > financially
identity/identification > identify > identified/identifiable > identifiably
interpretation/interpreter > interpret > interpretive/interpretative > N/A
legality/legalisation > legalise/legalize > legal > legally
procedure > proceed > procedural > N/A
response/respondent > respond > responsive/respondent > responsively
significance > signify > significant > significantly29. Listening: Unit 4 Talk - Section 2 Unit 4: Short Answer Questions Unit 4: Labelling a Diagram Plan or Map Unit 4: Table Completion
  • This course is based on continual assessment in the form of project work and assignments rather than end of term examinations.
  • There is a general assumption that women are worse drivers than men but statistics do not support this.
  • This process is easy to understand once you have grasped the concept of precipitation.
  • Several factors influenced the committee's decision to appoint a new teacher.
  • New legislation needs to go through Parliament to deal with the problem of illegal immigration.
  • The college has adopted a strict no-smoking policy.
  • Solar power is considered a sustainable source of energy.
30. Listening: Unit 5: Academic Discussion - Section 3 Listening: Unit 5: Sentence Completion
  • The lecturer advised the student to take more care with grammar.
  • Research has shown that cigarettes are addictive.
  • The devices is made of metal.
  • By making a correction, the student was able to pass.
  • The man has lived in Brisbane since 2001.
  • The house needs to be painted professionally.
  • The teacher believes that checking students' assignments is useful.
  • Finding a new area of research was accidental.
32. Listening: Unit 5: Classification The twentieth century saw significant advances in medical knowledge. At the end of the nineteenth century life expectancy was comparatively short for people in Britain and many children did not survive to adulthood. By the end of the twentieth century, however, perinatal mortality was low and many people anticipated living beyond their three score years and ten. This rapid progress occurred as a result of a series of microbiological and technological breakthroughs, along with a political focus on social welfare and public health.Today, however, we face new threats. Although it had been assumed that infectious diseases would be eliminated, new strains of TB and malaria have recently emerged and are fast establishing themselves. The viral infection, Aids, has reached epidemic proportions in some countries. The incidence of heart disease is increasing, along with other so-called "self-inflicted" illnesses. Superbugs, resistant to our range of antibiotics, continue to evolve.Predictions for the twenty-first century suggest that we will see the development of our understanding of the role of genes in the maintenance of good health. Many diseases will be prevented as screening for susceptibility allows defective embryos to be identified. Those who do get ill, will receive drugs tailored to suit their individual needs and thus more effective in action. Will there also be surprises awaiting us as the world population ages?34. Listening: Unit 6: Academic Monologue - Section 4 Listening: Unit 6: Notes Completion Unit 6: Signpost Language


  • explaining which topics will be covered in the talk/lecture:
    In the lecture today we'll look at...
    There are three main topics that I will focus on in my talk...
  • introducing the first topic of the talk/lecture:
    We'll begin this lecture by...
    First of all, let's look at...
  • changing to a new topic:
    Now, let's turn to the question of...
    Now, in the next part of the lecture...
    I'd now like to evaluate...
    Now, let's move on to...
  • introducing an example:
    For instance,...
    A well-known example...
    To give you an example...
  • introducing the first main point:
    The main obstacle to...
    One argument for the...
    The main reason for this is...
    The first advantage is...
  • introducing an additional main point:
    Another advantage is...
    The other main disadvantage...
    Another point of difference...
  • asking a question about a main point that will be answered in the next part of the talk/lecture:
    So, why do we need...?
    So, what exactly is...?
    You might be wondering why...?
  • introducing the final topic; or final main point:
    The final view I want to discuss today...
    A final...
  • consistency:
    when things have the same standard
  • contract:
    official agreement
  • indication:
    action of showing what is happening
  • beneficial:
    having a good effect
  • principled:
    based on a clear idea
  • specific:
36. Listening: Unit 7: Unit Review
  • The committee is investigating the acquisition of new resources.
  • We expect you to have more participation in decision-making.
  • Students need to learn strategies for studying independently.
  • Our findings have worrying consequences for researchers.
  • Professor Jones has the distinction of winning the award on two occasions.
  • We are committed to a long-term investment in this programme.
37. Speaking
Speaking: Unit 1: Unit Aims Unit 1: Facts about the Speaking Test
  • 11 to 15 minutes long is the Speaking Test.
  • 3 parts does the test have.
  • All the sections about the different topics.
  • The Interview is Part 1 called.
  • 4 to 5 minutes long is Part 1.
  • The Long Turn is Part 2 called.
  • 3 to 4 minutes long is Part 2.
  • The Discussion is Part 3 called.
  • 4 to 5 minutes long is Part 3.
  • Part 2 of the test, candidates speak on their own about a topic that the examiner gives them.
  • Part 1, answer questions from the examiner about familiar topics.
  • Part 3, answer more general and abstract questions from the examiner.
  • Fluency assessment criteria means 'speaking without stopping'.
  • Coherence means organising your ideas clearly.
  • In Part 2 you have 1 minutes to prepare notes then speak for 1 to 2 minutes.
Speaking: Unit 2: The Introduction Unit 2: Introduction Practice
  • Please come in and sit down.
  • This is the Speaking Test for the International English Language Testing System conducted at Centre PA-118 on Sunday the 6th of October. The candidate's number is 326 and the examiner is Sandra Cole.
  • Good afternoon.
  • My name is Sandra Cole.
  • Can you tell me your full name please?
  • And what shall I call you?
  • Thank you. And where are you from?
  • Can I see you passport, please?
  • Thank you. That's fine. Now, in the first part of the test, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.
Speaking: Unit 2: Focus on Grammar: Likes and Dislikes
  • Do you enjoy watching sports?
    No, I'm not really a fan of sports to be honest. I prefer going to concerts or seeing a good film at the cinema.
  • What kind of food do you like most?
    I absolutely love fresh seafood. Especially shells and prawns.
  • Are there any types of food that you dislike?
    Well, I'm not very keen on red meat actually. I'm not a vegetarian, but I just don't like the taste of beef very much.
  • What do you like about living in your hometown?
    Well, there's a lovely park near where I live, which I absolutely love especially in summer when the flowers are so beautiful. I go for a walk there most weekends.
  • Are there any types of films that you do not enjoy?
    Yes, I'm not really into war films. All that violence and killing just make me feel ill. I went to see Saving Private Ryan at the cinema because I'd heard it was very good, but I had to leave after only half an hour or so. It was just too violent.
  • What do you like about your work?
    I like the team spirit the general working environment here. We have won the trust of our customers and of our management, we do our best, and that is what pays.
  • Do you enjoy visiting museums?
    To be honest, I'm not that keen on going to museums. All those old just don't appeal to me very much. I'd rather watch a documentary about history than look at some old in a museum.
  • Do you like the national costume worn in your home country?
    Yes, I'm very fond of it actually. I think it looks really nice to see people wearing it, and it's a traditional part of our culture that I think we should keep.
  • Would you like to have a pet?
    No, I'm not that fond of animals really. They're quite expensive to look after. My condominium is tiny so I could fit in a goldfish, I suppose, but I certainly couldn't keep a dog or a cat.
Speaking: Unit 2: Focus on fluency: Extending your Answer Unit 2: Extending your Answer Practice Unit 2: Focus on Vocabulary: Showing Range Unit 2: Showing Range Practice Unit 2: Focus on Pronunciation: Essential Aspects Unit 2: Interview Practice Unit 2: Interview Practice
  • Academic success can only be achieved by hard work.
  • The problems that we experienced affected the results.
  • We have conclusive proof of our findings.
  • The new information has forced the scientists to re-evaluate their findings.
  • For insurance purposes, we need an itemised list of your belongings.
  • Tests can now identify genetic abnormalities in an unborn baby.
  1. aquatic:
    living in the water
    She has a great enthusiasm for all things aquatic.
    Divers study aquatic life.
    Fish is a aquatic animal.
  2. array:
    a large number, a collection
    I'm going though an array of Hollywood movie DVDs.
    All told, an impressive array of tempting targets.
    She loves this array of coins.
38. Speaking: Unit 3: The Individual Long Turn


39. Task CardDescribe a toy that you enjoyed playing with when you were a child.You should say:
  • what the toy was
  • who gave it to you
  • where you played with it
and explain why this toy was special to you.TOY
  • red fire truck - shiny, lights, noises
  • b'day present from Oma
  • played w/ Nicolas & Alex - kindergarten
  • LOST !!
40. Writing effective notes based on a task card:
  • read the task card carefully
  • used abbreviations and symbols
  • covered all the bullet points
  • wrote in English
  • wrote key words and phrases only
Speaking: Unit 3: Beginning Your Talk
  • A newspaper that I really enjoy reading is The Guardian.
  • I'm going to talk about an amazing trip that I went on when I was a child.
  • I'd like to talk about a person who has had a major influence on me.
  • A product that I buy often is coffee.
  • I'd like to talk about a job that I would like to have in the future - well, I'd love to be an airline pilot.
  • I'd like to tell you about the most important person in my life, my son.
Speaking: Unit 3: Saying More
  • Describe a favourite restaurant where you have eaten.
    I go to the South China Chinese Restaurant almost every week, because I don't really like cooking.
  • Describe a favourite animal.
    I met "Ginger" for the first time at my home-stay. She was lying on my bed! I was a bit surprised, because in my country, we don't allow pets in the house.
  • Describe a library that you have visited or know about.
    The main users of the library are the students of this university, especially at exam times! You also see lecturers there and the library staff, of course. It's interesting to sit and watch people there, because you see many different kinds of people using the library.
  • Describe a magazine or newspaper article that you found interesting.
    I found this article in a magazine called Reader's Digest, which has a lot of interesting articles about family life, money, relationships, that sort of thing.
  • Describe a shop that you like.
    You can buy all sorts of comics there, from many different countries, like Japan, Britain, the United States.
  • Describe a city or town that you know well.
    There are plenty of things to do. There are some nice parks, like Queens Park. What's more. the Workshops Museum is a great place for kids.
Speaking: Unit 3: Ending Your Talk
  • So that's why the August Moon Festival is so important in my country.
  • Finally, if you'd like to climb Mt Fuji one day, remember to wear your hiking boots!
  • All in all, it was quite a depressing book, but I really learned something from it.
  • Anyway, I stopped playing with it when I got a bit older, but I think I still have it somewhere.
Speaking: Unit 3: Long Turn Practice Unit 3: Long Turn Practice
  • In recent years, the banking and financial services sector has undergone a number of changes. New regulations are designed to improve the security of phone and internet transactions in the face of a huge increase in the range of computer crimes. Examples of this type of crime include the unauthorised transfer of funds from one account to another. In a recent survey of both banks and consumers it was found that confidence in the safety of internet banking was at an all-time low.
Speaking: Unit 4: The Discussion
  • defense:
    protection or support against attack, criticism, or infection
    The coalition forces are still unable to penetrate the enemy defenses.
    Eating an apple daily defense diseases.
    A good diet helps build the body's natural defences.
  • deforestation:
    the removal of all trees from a large area
Speaking: Unit 4: Focus on Fluency: Extending your Answers
  • How important is it, in your view, for families to share special occasions?
    Very important. In my case, I couldn't have graduated without them, so I wanted them to be there. I mean, they paid for my books, they drove me to school, they helped me with my homework, so I wanted them to celebrate with me.
  • What other special occasions are often celebrated in your country?
    Let me see, uh, weddings - we often have big wedding celebrations, with hundreds of guests, and lots of music and dancing. The wedding celebrations usually last two days, and they can be really fun.
  • Do people have to wear special clothing at these celebrations?
    Yes, for example, for weddings, the bride wears a white dress with a red ribbon around her waist, and the groom wears a tuxedo.
  • Why do you think that we celebrate special occasions?
    Well, that's an interesting question. I think that we want to remember these special times in our lives. We want to do something different, or special, so that we can always remember the day that we graduated, or got married, you know. So, I think we should celebrate special occasions because they give us happy memories.
  • The Media: TV programme, advertising, newspaper article
  • Family: youngest, parents, extended family
  • Education: graduate, assessment, primary school
  • Travel: overseas, journey, tourists
Speaking: Unit 4: Focus on Grammar: Past Present Future
  • Present Simple:
    They are an example to their children.
    This is always true.
  • Past Simple:
    Fifty years ago, not many mothers worked.
    This was true then, but not now.
  • Present Perfect:
    My mother has always worked.
    This was true in the past and is still true now.
  • The Media:
    What effect has technology had on the way that the news is reported?
  • Family:
    Some people say that families were closer in the past than they are today. Do you agree?
  • Education:
    How has education changed in your country in recent years?
  • Travel:
    Are people travelling more now than they did in the past?
  • Shopping:
    What effect has technology had on people's shopping habits?
  • The Environment:
    Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to solve environmental problems?
  • Cities:
    Are cities nowadays different compared to the way they were in the past?
  • Art:
    Do you think it's important for children to study art at school?
  • Music:
    What role does music play in your culture these days compared to in the past?
  • Work:
    Do you think that people in your country have better working conditions now than in the past?
  • Housing:
    How has the kind of accommodation people live in changed in your country?
  • Celebrations:
    Do you think any festivals or celebrations in your country are over-commercialised or have lost their original meaning?
  • Food:
    Do you think people's eating habits are healthier now than in the past?
  • Leisure:
    Do you think that the way people spend their free time these days is different from in the past?
  • Clothes:
    How are fashions of today different from those when your parents were young?
  • Transport:
    What kinds of improvement have there been in transport in your country in recent years?


  • So, you've said that shopping has changed quite a bit in recent years - what about the future? What do you think shopping will be like in the future?
  • In the future? Well, I guess shopping will continue to change. For one thing, I'm sure there will be more online shopping, I mean, using the Internet to shop. People will be able to shop from home, using their computers. I think that's already happening now, so it will probably increase, in my opinion.

  • The Media:
    How do you think we will get news in the future?
    Well, that's an interesting question. In my opinion, traditional sources of news like newspapers will become obsolete. Nowadays, people don't want to wait for their news, so they go online and use websites like Twitter. This will happen even more in the future.
  • Family:
    How do you think the family will change in the future?
    Probably the biggest change that I can see happening is that families will become smaller. It is more likely that both parents will have to work in the future so I think this will have an effect on how many children they decide to have.
  • Education:
    What impact will technology have on education in the future?
    Technology? Well, it has already had a big influence on teaching and learning, and I think this will continue. But I think it's unlikely that computers will replace teachers.
  • Travel:
    Do you think people will travel more or less in the future?
    My guess is that people will probably travel more in the future. Airfares are getting cheaper and people are becoming more interested in seeing the world, experiencing new cultures, that sort of thing.
  • Shopping:
    Do you think people's shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
    Well, that's a good question. I think they probably will, because of online shopping. If people continue to use the Internet for shopping, we might see fewer shops. But I guess there are some shops that we will always need, like supermarkets.
  • The Environment:
    Do you think there will be more environmental problems in the future?
    Most people seem to agree that we will face more environmental problems in the future because of climate change. There might be more floods, droughts, and so on. Governments around the world will need to work together to try to solve these problems.
  • Cities:
    What are some of the main problems that cities will face in the future?
    That's a good question. From my perspective, the problems that cities face now will probably continue. For example, overcrowding is an issue in many large cities. As more people move to the city to work, the cost of housing may increase because there will be more demand. The government will need to take some measures to address these issues.
  • Art:
    How important is art in our society? Should the government do more to support art and artists?
    Well, I have to admit that in my view, art is very nice, but it shouldn't be a major priority for governments. If people want to create art or appreciate art, that's OK, but I don't think the government needs to get involved. There are other more important issues for the government to be concerned about, like unemployment or the economy.
  • Music:
    How do you think the music industry will change in the future?
    I love music, so I hope that the music industry will remain strong and that musicians will continue to make wonderful music. I am a bit worried about how this will happen, though. These days, because of illegal downloading, it's hard to make a living from selling your music. But I hope that the music industry will adapt and go on.
  • Work:
    What kinds of jobs do you think will be in demand in the future?
    That's a good question. I think we'd all like to know the answer to that! If I had to make a prediction, I would say that there will probably be plenty of jobs in aged care as our population ages. I think we can be fairly certain about that.
  • Housing:
    How do you think homes in the future will be decorated and furnished?
    Well, I really have no idea, but one trend that I've noticed is that people want to have an outdoor area so that they can spend time outside. So apartments will probably have large balconies and houses will have outdoor areas or decks so that people can set up a barbecue and eat outside and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Celebrations:
    Are there any traditional festivals in your country that are disappearing? What do you think should be done about this?
    I wouldn't say that any traditional festivals are disappearing, but they are changing. For example, some festivals are based on religious traditions, but people have forgotten what those traditions are. They celebrate by buying special food or wearing fancy clothes, but they don't really understand why they are doing it. To answer the second part of your question, I think that people should be reminded about the true significance and history of our religious and cultural festivals. Perhaps this can be taught in schools.
  • Food:
    In the future, how important will it be for a country to be able to grow all the food that it needs?
    This is something that I feel quite strongly about. I'm quite worried that in the future there will be food shortages in some places because of climate change and a growing population. So I think we should all learn to grow our own food, even if it's just some herbs in a pot.
  • Leisure:
    What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
    It's hard to say, but I think most of the activities that we do now will still be popular. So, although some people think that technology will change how we spend our free time, I disagree. For example, walking has always been a popular leisure activity. Nowadays, people can use electronic devices to monitor how much walking they do every day. I think walking will continue to be a popular leisure activity in the future.
  • Clothes:
    What kinds of fashions do you think teenagers will be wearing in the future?
    I have no idea because I'm not really interested in fashion. However, I do know that teenagers always want to be different from adults and children, so in the future, I'm sure that they will wear fashions that are different from what the adults are wearing.
  • Transport:
    What changes do you predict in public transport over the next few years?
    Well, I hope that the government will add to our public transport network so people won't have to rely on private cars. For example, the government is planning to expand the rail network in my country, so that people can move quickly from city to city without having to drive or fly. This will have a positive impact on the environment and on the economy, in my opinion.
20 บทเรียนเพื่อฝึกทักษะการฟังภาษาอังกฤษ ในระดับ advance !! Speaking: Unit 4: Focus on Grammar: Comparison
  • How would you compare watching films in the cinema to watching DVDs at home?
    Hmm, that's a difficult question, because I do both. I mean, I sometimes watch films at home on DVDs, and I also go to the cinema fairly regularly. But, I guess I like watching films at the cinema more than watching DVDs, because I love the big screen and the great sound that you get at the cinema. On the other hand, watching DVDs at home is more convenient, because you can watch it whenever you want, and you can stop it at anytime, go back, go forward, you know.


  • How would you compare reading news in a newspaper to reading news online, on the internet?

    well, since I came to Australia, I've read news about my country

    online, because I can't buy Korean newspapers here. Newspapers are

    easier to carry around than a laptop, and they're cheaper, too! But when

    you're overseas, online news is better.
  • What differences are there between shopping in big supermarkets and shopping in small local shops?
    The main difference that I've noticed is the price. In my country, the big supermarkets can offer much cheaper prices than the small shops.
  • Would you prefer to stay in a hotel or go camping?
    Well, I've never been camping, but I suppose camping is a lot cheaper than staying in a hotel. On the other hand, hotels are more comfortable, so I'd rather stay in a hotel.
  • How would you compare travel in the past to travel now?
    One of the differences is that in the past, travel was slower, and more difficult. Now, we can get on a plane and fly across the ocean in hours, whereas 100 years ago, people had to travel by ship, and that took weeks.
Speaking: Unit 4: Focus on Pronunciation Clarity Unit 4: Discussion Practice
  • justified > unjustified
  • proportionate > disproportionate
  • registered > unregistered
  • reliable > unreliable
  • specified > unspecified
  • sufficient > insufficient
  • valid > invalid
Speaking: Unit 5: Unit Review ReadingReading: Unit 1: Unit Aims Unit 1: Facts about the IELTS Reading Test
  • 60 minutes long is the Reading Test.
  • Three sections does the test have.
  • A reading text and 13 or 14 questions is in each section.
  • In total, 40 questions are there in the Reading Test.
  • From 650 to 900 words are the texts.
  • General interest topics but related to academic subjects e.g. environment are the texts about.
  • Real newspapers, magazines and books are the texts from.
  • On an answer sheet should write the answers.
  • Cannot write answers on the sheets after 60 minutes.
  • Will lose marks for incorrect grammar and spelling.
  • From four to ten question types are in one test.
  • One point per the correct answers scored.
  • Half a band score is possible in the Reading Test.
Reading: Unit 1: What the Reading Test Assesses
  • forces = pushes
  • Fact:
    The train is a form of transport.
    Water is necessary for life.
    The internet is a large information network.
    The world population is increasing.
  • Opinion:
    Governments like population increases.
    Water tastes better than milk.
    The internet is responsible for unhappiness in the world.
    Trains are the most convenient form of transport.
Reading: Unit 1: Distinguishing Main Ideas from Supporting Details Unit 2: Unit Aims Unit 2: Skimming and Scanning Unit 2: Identifying Paraphrase
  • Even though antimatter could be used as a fuel, further research is needed to make its delivery safe.
    = It may be possible for antimatter to provide power. However, for it to be delivered without risk, more development work is required.
  • Before introducing recycled water into the rivers and creeks, a complicated system of treatment needs to be performed.
    = As soon as the wastewater has been purified through a sophisticated process, it is blended into the waterways.
  • As a consequence of the drought, farmers were forced to buy water from other organisations.
    = Due to the lack of rain, irrigation costs increased.
  • An increase in fossil fuel emission over many decades is usually given as the reason for global warming.
    = There has been a rise in exhaust gases such as CO2 over many years. Many people believe this is causing the Earth's temperature to increase.
  • Unless interest rates increase, personal spending is unlikely to be controlled.
    = If banks raise the cost of borrowing, the tendency for people to spend money on non-essential items will be reduced.
  • Besides having the largest population, the country also covered the greatest area.
    = The country was home to the most people and the largest in terms of size.
Reading: Unit 2: Identifying Reference Reading: Unit 3: Unit Aims Reading: Unit 3: Short Answer Questions Unit 3: Sentence Completion
  • More than 145(a number) separate lakes have been found under the Antarctic ice.
  • A child's language(a name of a personal ability or quality) starts developing from the moment of birth.
  • Research has suggested that gibbons(name of an animal) are more intelligent than cats and dogs.
  • Since the early 1970s(a date, year, time, month) there has been no manned flight into space.
  • Recent studies have shown that there is a link between playing video games and skill at keyhole surgery(a medical action or skill) in the field of medicine.
  • Eating fish(name of a food) during pregnancy can make the baby more intelligent.
  • Professor Reuben Smith(specific name of a person/general name) from Wisconsia University has demonstrated the power of the mind in reducing pain.
  • Swedish scientists have discovered a protein(name of a chemical or substance) in tree leaves which controls the change to autumn colours.
  • The Metropolitan Police in London(name of a city or country) introduced car registration plate recognition cameras to city streets in 1997.
  • The melting of the polar ice over the next centuries could raise sea levels by 4 to 6m(measure of level (e.g. metres) or percentage).

    Format Checklist
  • Using one, two or three words.
  • Only use words taken from the passage.
  • Spell the answer correctly.
  • Write the answer in the correct place on the answer sheet.
  • Check the grammar of the completed sentence.
  • Check there are no repeated words.

    Strategy Checklist
  • Read the questions before looking at the text.
  • Find the answers in the reading passage.
  • Finish within 5 to 10 minutes.
  • put emphasis on something.
  • establish a partnership with another company.
  • pay compensation to someone.
  • make a contribution to a charity.
  • observe a reaction in a test tube.
  • make a deduction based on evidence.
47. Reading: Unit 4: Unit Aims Reading: Unit 4: Headings Reading: Unit 4: Global Multiple Choice Questions


50. The Australian government has announced a considerable shift in its immigration policy. In an effort to increase the numbers of both skilled and unskilled workers, the application criteria have been relaxed. A government spokesperson commented, "Current circumstances have led to a need for 20,000 more migrants. We are targeting minority applicants in particular and hope the outcome for Australia will be a vibrant workforce which can continue this country's positive growth".

51. Reading: Unit 5: Unit Aims

52. Reading: Unit 5: Locating Information

53. Reading: Unit 5: Multiple Choice


IELTS Writing Task 1 Tips

Here are some examiner-approved task 1 tips for you.




  1. Do find out what are your most common mistake.

    Checking your work at the end is really important, but many people complain that they don't have time. You can make this process more efficient by checking your work when you practice and writing down your four or five common mistakes. After a while, you will get to know your more common mistakes and fix them quickly.

    You could also use grammar checking software like to help you spot mistakes.
  2. Do read the instructions carefully.

    Seems like a very obvious one, but it is one of the most common mistakes people make in IELTS writing task 1.

    Take one minute to read the question a few times and really understand what it is asking you to do. Practice will also help you familiarize yourself with the different types of task 1 question and save your time in the exam.
  3. Do paraphrase the question.

    You will lose marks for copying the words in the answer and the examiner is looking to see if you can paraphrase the question. To paraphrase, simply use synonyms to change keywords.


    Question: The graph below gives information about cinema attendance in the UK between 1998 and the present, with projections to 2018.

    Paraphrased: The diagram shows data of movie-goers in the United Kingdom from 1998 until now, with forecasts up to 2018.

    As you can see, the meaning has not changed but the words have. This should be the first paragraph in your essay.
  4. Do use signposting language.

    These are words and phrases that tell the examiner what you are writing about. They are sometimes also called 'discourse markers'.

    Example include 'The graph/table/chart shows...', 'The most significant change is...', 'Another noticeable change/trend is...', 'Overall...'.

    Remember that these should only be used appropriately.
  5. Do practice on IELTS answer sheets.

    Many candidates worry about not writing at least 150 words in IELTS writing part 1. A clever way to always know how many words you have is to practice on the official exam answer sheets and then you will be able to judge how much space you normally use for 150 words.

    A quick google search will help you find these.
  6. Do know how to describe the change.

    You will pick up easy marks if you know how to accurately describe the change. From very small to very large, here are some examples:


    You will normally have to describe the change in your task 1 essay and these more advanced words will help you gain some valuable marks for 'lexical resource'.
  7. Do spend time organising and planning your answer.

    This is one of the main differences between candidates who score well in IELTS writing and those who don't. It is never a waste of time to plan your answer as this will help you score well be giving a clear and coherent answer.

    Familiarise yourself with the different question types and then learn the different structures for each one. For example, a bar chart should look like this:

    Paragraph 1 - paraphrase question.

    Paragraph 2 - an overview.

    Paragraph 3 - describe the main feature in detail.

    Paragraph 4 - describe another main feature in detail.

    When you have this structure in your head, you will be able to plan an effective answer quickly and easily.
  8. Practice writing overviews.

    Your overview is probably the most important paragraph in the whole essay. Write a good one and you are well on your way to getting a good band score.

    An overview is a summary of the main features shown in the diagram.

    Part of this is identifying the main trends in the diagram. For bar and line charts ask yourself what is increasing, what is decreasing and what is fluctuating? For processes ask yourself how many main stages there are and what are the main changes and outcomes?

    Remember that your overview should not include any numbers because you are just describing the most significant aspects in general terms, the detail comes in the next paragraphs.
  9. Do consider which tense you are going to use.

    Many IELTS candidates lose easy marks by only writing in the present tense. Ask yourself if any of the data is about the past or the future and change your tenses accordingly.
  10. Support your descriptions with accurate data.

    As stated before, you won't use any numbers in the overview section but you will have to use data to describe the main features in subsequent paragraphs. Make sure you choose the correct data and that it is accurate.


  1. Don't use the same words for percentages and numbers.

    For percentages use words like large/small/higher/lower percentage of...

    For numbers use words like many/more/most/few and fewer.
  2. Don't give your opinion or speculate.

    IELTS task 1 is not a discursive essay; discursive essays are for task 2. Only write exactly what you see and don't try to give reasons for the data unless explicitly stated in the diagram. You will lose a lot of marks if you do this.

    You should also not add any new information or draw any conclusions from the data presented.

    For example, one candidate who was an engineer and was presented with a diagram of how a car engine works. He wrote a very detailed description of the process from his own knowledge. All of his information was correct but it was not shown in the diagram. He didn't achieve the score he should have because he made this error.

    Remember, give the IELTS examiners what they want and nothing else.
  3. Don't use bullet points, notes or abbreviations.

    Again, this might be fine in university essays but not in IELTS essays.
  4. Don't write every number or process you see.

    Many candidates do this and end up spending far too much time on task 1. Remember you will only be asked to write about the most significant features. For example, in a line graph or bar chart question, you will only be expected to write about 2 or 3 things. More is a waste of time and you won't get any extra marks for writing about anything else.
  5. Don't copy words from the question or information from the diagram.

    If you do this, examiners will not mark these words and it is therefore like writing nothing at all.

    To overcome this, familiarise yourself with the common vocabulary used in IELTS writing part 1 and learn synonyms for this information. Also, use synonyms when practicing writing.

    See above for an example of how used synonyms to paraphrase the question.
  6. Don't overuse linking words or signposting language.

    Above advised you to use these words but one problem candidates have is learning lots of linking words and then overusing them to show the examiner how good they are. Unfortunately, for those candidates, you lose marks for overusing them.

    If you use around 6 of these words and phrases you will do fine. More than 8 and it looks like you are trying to insert them in without thinking if you are using them appropriately or not.
Cr: IELTSAdvantage



  1. Don't have messy handwriting.

    IELTS examiners will try their best to understand what you have written but sometimes the writing is so untidy that it is impossible to read. If your writing is like this the examiner will not be able to give you a mark for the words they can't read.

    Many of us rely on computers these days and some candidates don't realise how bad your handwriting is. Show some of your practice tests to a teacher or friend and ask their opinion. If they can't read it then an examiner won't be able to either.
  2. Don't use informal language.

    Remember this is an academic essay and you are expected to write in that style. Avoid phrasal verbs, slang and colloquial language.
  3. Don't just focus on line and bar graphs.

    These may have been popular in the past but it doesn't mean IELTS will continue to use them that often. We are seeing many more maps, pie charts and process diagrams these days.

    Many candidates overlook these kinds of questions and if you are well prepared for every type of question you will really stand out from the crowd.
  4. Don't panic!

    Many candidates open up the exam paper, see something they know nothing about and then panic.

    For example, the process diagram was about the production of chocolate. 'But, all I know about chocolate is how to eat it.' cried most of the candidates. This is understandable but the IELTS writing tests are not knowledge tests, they are English tests. You are not expected to have knowledge of the diagram, just calmly write about what you see.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree or Disagree Lesson

This lesson will help you write better 'agree or disagree' or 'opinion' task 2 essays.

These questions are one of the most common on the IELTS writing paper.


Agree or Disagree Essay

Cr: IELTSAdvantage



Present Simple:
  • S + V1(s,es) / S + be + adj./n.
  • Do/Dose + S + V1
  • S + do/does + not + V1
Past Simple:
  • S + V2
  • Did + S + V1
  • S + didn't + V1
Present Perfect:
  • S + has/have + V3
  • Has/Have + S + V3
  • S + has/have + not + V3
Future Simple:
  • S + will + V1
  • Will + S + V1
  • S + will not + V1
Adj. to describe yourself / people:
  • Self-confident = believe in one's own ability or knowledge
  • Self-centred = think only of yourself
  • Self-assured = confident
  • Reserved = shy
  • Painfully shy = very shy
  • Broad-minded = accept other views or behaviors
  • Narrow-minded = Opposite Broad-minded
  • Fair-minded = treat people equally
  • Easy-going = Relaxed and not easily worried about anything
  • Two-faced = not honest or sincere
  • Trustworthy = can be trusted
  • A good team player = Someone who can work well with other people
  • A Heavy workload = have a lot of work to do
  • A dead-end job = a job with no promotional opportunity
Basic Questions:

  • Tell Me About Yourself.
    My name is ... I have been working for this company for 3 years as a current position. Before I joined this company, I had worked for many big telecommunication companies such as A, B, and C about 9 years.
  • How Did You Hear About This Position?
    I found this position posted on JobsDB.
  • Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?
    Your company is considered one of the most well-known companies in Thailand. There are many talented people. In addition, there is an opportunity growth in engineering field.
  • Why Do You Want This Job?
    This is a new challenging job in these days, which is able to grow in the future.
  • Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?
    As I mentioned earlier, I have worked in this job field for 12 years, which is stable. I'd like to find a new challenge.
    worked - work(t), walked - walk(t), stopped - stop(t)
    talented - talent(ted), learned - learn(ned)
  • What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?
    I would like to work as a team because I believe I am a good team player. Everybody can brainstorm to find the best solution.
  • What's Your Work Style?
    I am a hard working person. For example, when I have free time, I always find new initiatives to solve all manual work such as backup the configuration.
  • What Do You Like to Do Outside of Work?
    Currently, I want to become a cloud expert. I learn about the cloud from online courses in most of my free time. Therefore, I have got 2 cloud certificates namely AWS CCP & SAA.
    Main idea + support sentence + Example
    every day (adv.) - exercise every day
    everyday (adj.) - Everyday exercise
    SV + conj. + SV - It was still painful, so I have to see a doctor.
    Conj. + SV + SV
  • What's Your Management Style?
    In my perspective, a good manager is someone who supports the team when there is a problem. Always ask whether there is any problem or not.
    In my opinion / From my view / point of view / perspective
  • How Would Your Boss and Coworkers Describe You?
    I am a responsible person. When my boss gives me an assignment, I always find the result to him.

  • What Are You Passionate About?
    I am passionate about Cloud computing. Many people work for money, me too. However, I want more, I still have a lot of passion. I want to do cool things that make a lot of impact.

  • How Do You Plan to Achieve Your Career Goals?
    As I told you earlier, I think I might specialize in cloud computing. I promised myself that I would get a new cloud certificate every 4-months.
  • Are You Willing to Relocate?
    I am able to relocate. / I am capable of relocating.
    I have an ability to drive a car. / I have a capability of driving a car.
    Thank you for confirmation(n.).
    Thank you for confirming us(obj.) in advance.
    adj. + training(n.), opening(n.) - useful training, grand opening
  • What Are Your Greatest Strengths? / What Makes You Unique?
    I am a fast learner and willing to learn. For example, I have been learning cloud since January this year, I got two AWS cloud certificates and plan to take a one Azure in the end of February. Currently, I'm learning the DevSecOps.
  • What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?
    My greatest professional achievement this year, I think that I got 3-new certificates, AWS Cloud Practitioner, Solution Architect Associate, and Cisco Enterprise Network Core. I gain more knowledge especially AWS Solution Architect Associate is my new challenge. It validates an individual's expertise in designing and deploying scalable systems on the AWS platform. It's ideal for those who design cloud infrastructures, reference architectures or deploy systems and applications.
  • Why Should We Hire You? / What Can You Bring to the Company?
    I believe my experience with Cloud, ITIL, and project management aligns perfectly with your requirements. My job are manage the SLA to be inline and find the solution to increase the availability such as redundancy implementation. Currently, I just moved to the business development position mainly in cloud PaaS for a month because I would like to do the cloud and my boss see my ability. I help sales representative demonstrate our cloud system. For example, compare to the past that the developers have to build the infrastructure by system & network team. However, our cloud they can do by themselves. Moreover, I always spend my free time learning to improve my technical cloud skills and new technologies knowledge.
  • Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills:
    I am very good at managing difficult projects and working with other people and organizing people to make sure that we meet our objectives. I will breakdown the project to small tasks and give the dead line to my team.
  • Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?:
    I already have a plan of where I want to be in the future. In five years' time I still plan to be working for your company in a higher level. In five years' time I will have participated in numerous team projects and helped the business move forward significantly. Finally, in five years' time I would want to be seen as a trusted, reliable, and productive member of your organization.
  • What Do You Think We Could Do Better or Differently?
    Both are important depending on products. For existing products, our company serve the customers for a long time, it should be make more customer loyalty. For new products, thinking differently is important. This attracts new potential customers.
  • What Do You Consider to Be Your Weaknesses?
    My greatest weakness is that sometimes I have trouble saying 'no' to requests and end up accepting more than I can handle. In the past, this has caused me to feel stressed or burned out. To help myself improve in this area. I use a project management app to visualize how much work I have over time.
Cr: Admiring :cool:
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  • Tell Me About a Challenge or Conflict You've Faced at Work, How You Dealt With It?
    From my experience my colleague is under-performance. I generally explained how missed deadlines affected the performance of the team that although the quality of his work was great the lack of consistency was overshadowing that.
Connectors and Conjunctions:
  • Connectors -> Because SV., However, Therefore -> Adv. -> Linking Word
  • Coordinating Conjunctions คือคำสันธานที่ใช้เชื่อมคำหรือประโยคสองอันเข้าด้วยกัน -> FANBOYS
    • For = Because
      He went in, for the door was open.
      Open/Close(v.) the door. > The door is open/closed(adj.).
      close(adj.) = ใกล้
      I like to go to the library for I like to read.
    • And = In addition to
      My friend likes to go mountain-climbing and swim in the ocean.
    • Nor = And not
      (formal) Not a building nor a tree was left standing.
      I refuse to hug to people I don't know, nor will I kiss them.
      He nither smokes nor drinks.
    • But = Yet = However
      My brother worked hard but/yet he did not succeed.
      My mom was born in Australia yet she grew up in New Zealand.
    • Or = Either
      She wants to watch TV or (to) listen to some music.
    • So = Therefore
      The door was open so he went in.
S + V conj. S + V. / Conj. S + V, S + V.

Add ideas (นอกจากนี้):
  • + Sentence: _, SV. / SV; _, SV.
    In addition, Moreover,
    Furthermore, Besides
  • + N: _ N, SV.
    In addition to, Besides,
    Apart from, Aside from
Introduce causes (เพราะว่า):
  • + Sentence: _ SV, SV.
    Because, Since,
    For, As
  • + N: _ N, SV.
    Because of, Due to,
    Owing to, Thanks to,
    Resulting from
Contrast (แม้ว่า):
  • + Sentence: _ SV, SV. / SV _ SV.
    Though, Although,
    Even though, Even if
  • + N: _ N, SV. / SV _ N.
    In spite of, Despite
Contrast (แต่):
  • SV; _, SV. / _, SV.
    However, Nevertheless,
    Nonetheless, On the other hand,
    On the contrary
  • SV _ SV.
    But, Whereas
Introduce results + Sentence (ดังนั้น):
  • Thus, Therefore,
    Thereby, Hence,
    As a consequence, As a result,
    Consequently, Accordingly
  • SV _ SV.
    So, So that
Conditional sentence (ถ้า):
  • If SV, SV. / SV if SV.
    Provided that, Providing that,
    On condition that
ประโยคมี 3 รูปแบบ:
  1. เดี่ยว S + V + (O).
    Woman is wearing red shirt.
  2. เชื่อม S + V + Con. + S + V.
  3. ซ้อน S1 [ S2 + V] + V. / S, _, V.
    S2 = who / whom / which / etc.
    The woman who is talking to Jay is my cousin.
  • I have been with Winmed Corp.Ltd for 5 years as a marketing supervisor.
  • Winmed Corp.Ltd is one of the biggest advertising companies in Thailand.
  • My main responsibility at this company is achieving sales target.
    sale = การขาย, sales = ยอดขาย
  • Before I joined Winmed Corp.Ltd, I was with Saintmed for 5 years as a marketing analysis.
  • Next 5 years, I would like to grow in the marketing field because I would do a strategic planning and find a new sale channel.
Cr: Admiring :cool:

There are three things I’d like to try or learn to do. The first is to travel to Oman. My girlfriend has this deep appreciation for earth tones, and Oman’s natural landscapes, with its rich, sandy deserts, mountains, buildings and beaches, perfectly match her taste. I imagine visiting the serene places there, surrounded by the colors she likes, and sharing those moments with her. The peaceful vibes and breathtaking scenery would be such a beautiful experience.

The second thing I want to try is learning technical diving because I have a dream of swimming with blue whales in their natural habitat. Technical diving will teach me the advanced skills needed to dive deeper into the ocean and explore places that regular scuba diving doesn’t reach. Once I’m trained, I’ll be able to experience the beauty of blue whales in the wild, which would be an unforgettable adventure.

Finally, I have this dream of creating a real-life version of Jarvis, the AI system from Iron Man. As a tech enthusiast, I find the idea of having an AI assistant with human-like intelligence (AGI), the ability to understand emotions and have a personality, complete automation control, real-time image and situation analysis, and ultra-fast processing is incredibly exciting. I want to dive into artificial intelligence, robotics, and figure out how to make this dream a reality—making life not only more efficient but also a lot more fun with technology!
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